Copyright, Legal Information and Impressum (for Germany)

All contents on is copyright protected. You may


You may not

All text and photographs on (unless otherwise noted): © Stefan Mintert

Technical information about vertical panoramas (unless otherwise noted): Photos taken with a Sony DSC-V3 (up to 7.2 megapixel), stitching is done with Autostitch (by Matthew Brown and David Lowe at the University of British Columbia). This great tool is free: Individuals or companies are free to use images that they generate using the demo version of Autostitch without restriction or royalties so long as they acknowledge the use of Autostitch in such works. (Cite from the Autostitch site) Thanks for that!

German Impressum

Informationen gemäß MDSTV §10: ist keine kommerzielle Website. Dementsprechend folgen die Angaben gemäß Absatz 1, Satz 1. Diensteanbieter: Stefan Mintert. Anschrift des Dienstanbieters: Stefan Mintert, c/o Linkwerk GmbH, Oberaltenallee 20a, 22081 Hamburg


Sorry, due to massive spam load no direct mail link is provided. If you'd like to get in touch with me, the best way is to contact me at by mail, by phone (German is spoken, and, if you're a patient person, English too), at Xing, or meet me in Hamburg while taking pictures.